The Chapter Board of 2024
Eva Erbschwendtner - President
Dipl. Kff., Dipl. Ing. (FH), CMA
Fabian Stockmar - Membership VP
M.Sc., B.A. Business Administration, CMA

Thi Hong Tham Nguyen - Treasurer & Secretary
Dipl. Kff., CMA

Manuel Dressler - Communication Director
M.Sc., CMA

Michael Preß - Director & Deputy Regional Coordinator Munich
Bankfachwirt (IHK) Sparkassenbetriebswirt Bilanzbuchhalter (IHK) Intern. Bilanzbuchhalter CMA

Rabih Maalouf - Regional Coordinator Berlin
B.Sc., CMA

Kai Kockelkorn - Director & Regional Coordinator Dusseldorf
Dipl. Betriebswirt (BA), MBA, CMA

Prof. Dr. Chris Bonau Schmidt - Administration VP & Past-President

Sebastian Braun - Director & Past-President
Dipl. Volkswirt, CMA

Niko H. Kaden - Vice President & Past-President
Dipl. Kfm. (BS in Economics, MBA), MS in Accounting, CMA, CPA